The Mutha Effin Prime Minister
This weekend was undoubtedly my career highlight!
I’m not sure if it’s proper to say that being that we have only been in business for 7 months. But honestly, I really don’t think that anything can top meeting Jacinda Ardern, her husband and their beautiful bubba.
We had been invited to set up our market stall at Junk and Disorderly's shop in Auckland. It was our first time doing this market but most definitely not our last! If you haven't been to a market there before.... or even been to their shop, YOU MUST. I actually ended up spending about $200 on stuff in the store, I'm quite the furniture and antiques fan to my husbands dismay. I bought the most AH-MA-ZA-ING turned wood plant stand (you can spot it in the blog photo) and a set of antique ceramic dishes... you know the kind that is so in right now and everyone is buying them brand new? Yah, I found the REAL DEAL yo!
But back to the good stuff... did Jacinda buy anything from you? You must be dying to find out! Well, wait no more, the answer is YES! YES! The Mutha Effin' Prime Minister of New Zealand bought 2 Fresh Soul Baby bibs for Neve.
You know how you picture yourself meeting someone famous, you see yourself being this calm and collected, professional woman.... sadly, things didn't go as I had always planned. I was so starstruck, I broke out in hives, I was shaking and speaking with a cracked voice as I read out my bank account details to her... and the worst thing is that I didn't even think to snap a picture of her.... but you know I'll be stalking her social media just in hopes to see a pic of her bubs wearing those bibs.